Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop
1 October 2023, Kraków, Poland
- 3 January 2024: We have launched the MODeM YouTube channel!
- 5 September 2023: The program is now online.
- 4 September 2023: The list of accepted papers is now online.
- 4 September 2023: We are happy to announce our invited speakers for this year, Nawal Benabbou and Nic Wilson!
- 22 July 2023: Submissions are now closed. We received 19 submissions this year!
- 26 June 2023: The submission deadline has been extended to 21 July 2023!
- 23 May 2023: We are happy to announce the MODeM 2023 NC&A journal topical collection
- 9 May 2023: Paper submissions are now open
- 19 April 2023: MODeM 2023 site launched
Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop - 2023
In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the need for automated and assistive decision making systems to move beyond single-objective formulations when dealing with complex real-world issues, which invariably involve multiple competing objectives. The purpose of this workshop is to promote collaboration and cross-fertilisation of ideas between researchers working in different areas of multi-objective decision making in the context of intelligent systems, and to provide a forum for dissemination of high-quality multi-objective decision making research.
Previous editions of this workshop may be found at the following urls:
The workshop targets high-quality original papers covering all aspects of multi-objective decision making, including, but not limited to, the list of topics below. The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics that we would like to cover in the workshop:
- Multi-objective/multi-criteria/multi-attribute decision making
- Multi-objective reinforcement learning
- Multi-objective planning and scheduling
- Multi-objective multi-agent decision making
- Multi-objective game theory
- Preference elicitation for MODeM
- Social choice and MODeM
- Multi-objective decision support systems
- Multi-objective metaheuristic optimisation (e.g. evolutionary algorithms) for autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
- Multi-objectivisation
- Ethical AI through multi-objective modelling
- Explainable aI through multi-objective modelling
- Interactive systems for MODeM
- Applications of MODeM
- New benchmark problems for MODeM
Extended and revised versions of papers presented at the workshop will be eligible for inclusion in a journal topical collection.
Program Details
The workshop programme will consist of contributed original talks, invited talks, and a panel discussion. We might also ask participants to pre-record talks and make them available outside of the workshop sessions, on a dedicated Youtube channel.
Important Dates
Submission Details
Papers should be formatted according to the ECAI 2023 guidelines, and should be a maximum of 7 pages in length (with additional pages containing references only). Additionally, we welcome submission of preliminary results, i.e. work-in-progress, as well as visionary outlook papers that lay out directions for future research in a specific area, both up to 5 pages in length, although shorter papers are very much welcome, and will not be judged differently. Finally, we also accept recently published journal papers in the form of a 2 page abstract.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed (single-blind). Accepted work will be allocated time for poster and/or oral presentation during the workshop. Extended versions of original papers presented at the workshop will also be eligible for inclusion in a post-proceedings journal topical collection.
Papers can be submitted through Microsoft CMT.
Journal Topical Collection
After the workshop, all original contributions presented at MODeM 2023 will be invited to submit substantially improved and extended versions of their work, for consideration to be published in a post-proceedings topical collection of the Springer journal Neural Computing & Applications (NC&A, impact factor 5.102): Topical Collection on Multi-Objective Decision Making 2023.

Submission of preliminary work to the MODeM 2023 workshop does not confer an automatic entitlement to publish in the NC&A Topical Collection on Multi-Objective Decision Making 2023; all topical collection submissions must pass through the same rigorous NC&A review process and meet the standard NC&A publication criteria.
The Topical Collection on Multi-Objective Decision Making 2023 has an open call for papers; it is not necessary to submit preliminary work to the MODeM 2023 workshop in order to have your manuscript considered for publication in this topical collection. The topical collection is already open for submissions, and will remain open until 31 January 2024. Papers submitted to the topical collection will be sent out for peer review as soon as they are received, and first decisions can be expected within 3 months approx. from the date of submission.
Sunday, 1 October
09:00 - 09:15 | Welcome & Opening Remarks |
09:15 - 10:30 | Session I - Chair: Roxana Rădulescu |
09:15 - 10:15 | Invited talk Nawal Benabbou: Combining Preference Elicitation and Search for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems |
10:15 - 10:30 | Alexandra Cimpean, Catholijn M Jonker, Pieter Libin, Ann Nowé A Multi-objective Framework For Fair Reinforcement Learning |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30 | Session II - Chair: Izabela Szczech |
11:00 - 11:15 | William Blanzeisky, Pádraig Cunningham Beyond Accuracy: Addressing Underestimation Bias in Multi-Label Image Classification through Multi-Objective Optimization |
11:15 - 11:30 | Timothy J Parker Anticipating Responsibility for Plan Selection |
11:30 - 11:45 | Maha Riad, Vinicius Renan de Carvalho, Fatemeh Golpayegani Multi-Value Alignment in Normative Multi-Agent System: An Evolutionary Optimisation Approach |
11:45 - 12:00 | Junlin Lu, Patrick Mannion, Karl Mason Inferring Preferences from Demonstrations in Multi-Objective Residential Energy Management |
12:00 - 12:15 | Patrick Mannion, Roxana Rădulescu Comparing utility-based and Pareto-based solution sets in multi-objective normal form games |
12:15 - 12:30 | José-Luis Pérez-de-la-Cruz, Lawrence Mandow, Sergio Martín-Albo Martín Multi-objective bandit algorithms with Chebyshev scalarization |
12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch break |
13:30 - 15:00 | Session III - Chair: Timothy Parker |
13:30 - 13:45 | Arundhati Banerjee, Ramina Ghods, Jeff Schneider Cost-awareness in Multi-Agent Active Search |
13:45 - 14:00 | Vedat Dogan, Steven D Prestwich Multi-objective Bilevel Decision Making with Noisy Objectives: A Batch Bayesian Approach |
14:00 - 14:15 | Robert Susmaga, Izabela Szczech Visualizing the Inner-Workings of TOPSIS |
14:15 - 14:30 | Robert Susmaga, Izabela Szczech Elliptic Generalizations of TOPSIS |
14:30 - 14:45 | Jesse van Remmerden, Maurice Kenter, Diederik Roijers, Yingqian Zhang, Charalampos Andriotis, Zaharah Bukhsh A Deep Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Approach for Infrastructural Maintenance Planning with Non-Linear Utility Functions |
14:45 - 15:00 | Andreas H Hamel, Daniel Kostner MCDM via Cone Ranking Functions |
15:00 - 15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30 - 17:00 | Session IV - Chair: Patrick Mannion |
15:30 - 15:45 | Florian Felten, Daniel Gareev, El-Ghazali Talbi, Gregoire Danoy Hyperparameter Optimization for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning |
15:45 - 16:00 | Sofyan Ajridi, Willem Röpke, Ann Nowé, Roxana Rădulescu Deconstructing Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks: Revealing The Objectives |
16:00 - 17:00 | Invited talk Nic Wilson: Optimising with Respect to Partially Known Multi-Objective User Preferences |
17:00 - 17:10 | Closing remarks |
Accepted Papers
Paper # | Details | Title | Authors |
2 | [Paper] | Multi-objective Bilevel Decision Making with Noisy Objectives: A Batch Bayesian Approach | Vedat Dogan (University College Cork); Steven D Prestwich (University College Cork) |
3 | [Paper] | Visualizing the Inner-Workings of TOPSIS | Robert Susmaga (PUT); Izabela Szczech (Poznan University of Technology) |
5 | [Paper] | Elliptic Generalizations of TOPSIS | Robert Susmaga (PUT); Izabela Szczech (Poznan University of Technology) |
6 | [Paper] | Beyond Accuracy: Addressing Underestimation Bias in Multi-Label Image Classification through Multi-Objective Optimization | William Blanzeisky (University College Dublin); Pádraig Cunningham (UCD School of Computer Science) |
7 | [Paper][Video] | Hyperparameter Optimization for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning | Florian Felten (SnT, University of Luxembourg); Daniel Gareev (FSTM/DCS, University of Luxembourg); El-Ghazali Talbi (CNRS/CRIStAL, University of Lille); Gregoire Danoy (FSTM/DCS and SnT, University of Luxembourg) |
8 | [Paper] | Inferring Preferences from Demonstrations in Multi-Objective Residential Energy Management | Junlin Lu (University of Galway); Patrick Mannion (University of Galway); Karl Mason (University of Galway) |
9 | [Paper][Video] | Cost-awareness in Multi-Agent Active Search | Arundhati Banerjee (Carnegie Mellon University); Ramina Ghods (Carnegie Mellon University); Jeff Schneider (CMU) |
11 | [Paper] | Deconstructing Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks: Revealing The Objectives | Sofyan Ajridi (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Willem Röpke (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Ann Nowé (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Roxana Rădulescu (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
12 | [Paper] | Comparing utility-based and Pareto-based solution sets in multi-objective normal form games | Patrick Mannion* (University of Galway); Roxana Rădulescu* (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
13 | [Paper] | MCDM via Cone Ranking Functions | Andreas H Hamel (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano); Daniel Kostner (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) |
14 | [Paper] | Multi-objective bandit algorithms with Chebyshev scalarization | José-Luis Pérez-de-la-Cruz (Universidad de Málaga); Lawrence Mandow (Universidad de Málaga); Sergio Martín-Albo Martín (Universidad de Málaga) |
15 | [Paper] | A Deep Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Approach for Infrastructural Maintenance Planning with Non-Linear Utility Functions | Jesse van Remmerden (Eindhoven University of Technology); Maurice Kenter (City of Amsterdam); Diederik Roijers (City of Amsterdam); Yingqian Zhang (Eindhoven University of Technology); Charalampos Andriotis (Delft University of Technology); Zaharah Bukhsh (Eindhoven University of Technology) |
17 | [Paper] | Anticipating Responsibility for Plan Selection | Timothy J Parker (IRIT) |
18 | [Paper][Video] | Multi-Value Alignment in Normative Multi-Agent System: An Evolutionary Optimisation Approach | Maha Riad (University College Dublin); Vinicius Renan de Carvalho (USP); Fatemeh Golpayegani (University College Dublin) |
19 | [Paper] | A Multi-objective Framework For Fair Reinforcement Learning | Alexandra Cimpean (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Catholijn M Jonker (Delft University of Technology); Pieter Libin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Ann Nowé (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Invited Talks
Nawal Benabbou

Affiliation: Sorbonne Université (Paris, France)
Website: https://benabbou.lip6.fr
Talk Title: Combining Preference Elicitation and Search for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems
Abstract: The increasing complexity of applications encountered in multi-objective optimization leads us today to apply decision models to combinatorial sets of solutions which are implicitly defined. This significantly complicates the decision process and, in particular, the construction of a preference model fitting the objectives of the decision maker as well as the calculation of the optimal decision. Instead of approaching independently and separately these two subjects, we introduce incremental decision procedures aiming to integrate and combine the elicitation of preferences and the calculation of the preferred solution in order to determine the optimal choice without fully specifying the decision model. In these new interactive resolution schemes, asking preference questions to the decision maker during the exploration of the set of solutions allows to focus the elicitation of preferences on information that is really useful for separating competing solutions and thus reducing the number of questions required. This is the main benefit of the incremental approach to multi-objective decision making.
Bio: Dr. Nawal Benabbou is an assistant professor at Sorbonne Université (Paris), in the DECISION team of the LIP6 laboratory of computer science. Her research interests lie in the area of Algorithmic Decision Theory and its applications in Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research. She is the recipient of the “Artificial Intelligence Dissertation Award”, awarded by the French AI association (AFIA) in 2018, and is one of the vice-presidents of the French OR and Decision Making association (ROADEF). She is also actively reviewing for several top-ranked international AI conferences (e.g., AAAI, IJCAI, AAMAS, ECAI) and international journals (e.g., EJOR, AGNT, ANOR, 4OR).
Nic Wilson

Affiliation: University College Cork (Cork, Ireland)
Website: http://publish.ucc.ie/researchprofiles/D005/nwilson
Talk Title: Optimising with Respect to Partially Known Multi-Objective User Preferences
Abstract: Commonly, a decision support system will have only partial information about the preferences of a user. In multi-objective optimisation problems, user preferences are often modelled with some form of weighted sum of objective values, where the vector of weights is initially unknown. In this talk I will consider reasoning and optimisation with partial knowledge of preferences for such multi-objective optimisation problems. If an alternative is necessarily optimal, i.e., optimal for each consistent candidate preference function, then the system can safely recommend that alternative (even though the knowledge of the user preferences may still only be partial). Otherwise, there are different potentially optimal alternatives. One can increase the knowledge of the user preferences by querying the user, asking the user to compare two or more alternatives. I will discuss different querying strategies, which aim towards finding a necessarily optimal alternative.
Bio: Nic Wilson is a senior research fellow at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics, based in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology, University College Cork. His main research areas are in reasoning and optimisation with preferences and uncertainty, especially on combinatorial problems, and has published around a hundred peer-reviewed papers. Application areas of his work include scheduling, supply chain optimisation, transportation logistics, telecommunications, recommender systems and intelligent buildings.
Program Committee
- Athirai Irissappane, IBM, US
- Ben Abramowitz, Tulane University, US
- Brandon T. Fain, Duke University, US
- Debora Di Caprio, University of Trento, IT
- Dimitris Michailidis, University of Amsterdam, NL
- Florian Felten, SnT, University of Luxembourg, LU
- Francisco Javier Santos Arteaga, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES
- Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University, SE
- Gabriel Ramos, Unisinos, BR
- Johan Källström, Linköping University, SE
- Junlin Lu, University of Galway, IE
- Lucas Nunes Alegre, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), BR
- Manel Rodriguez-Soto, IIIA-CSIC, ES
- Marc Vincent, Thales Land and Air Systems / Sorbonne Université, FR
- Mathieu Reymond, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE
- Pieter Libin, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE
- Takuya Kanazawa, Hitachi, Ltd., US
- Thommen Karimpanal George, Deakin University, AU
- Vincent Corruble, Sorbonne University, FR
- Willem Röpke, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE
- Yijie Zhang, University of Copenhagen, DK
- Zhaori Guo, University of Southampton, UK
This year's workshop is organised by:- Roxana Rădulescu (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
- Patrick Mannion (University of Galway, IE)
- Peter Vamplew (Federation University Australia, AU)
- Diederik M. Roijers (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE; City of Amsterdam, NL)
- Conor F. Hayes (Lawrence Livermore National Lab, US)
- Ali E. Abbas (University of Southern California, USA)
- Carlos A. Coello Coello (CINVESTAV-IPN, MX)
- Richard Dazeley (Deakin University, AU)
- Enda Howley (University of Galway, IE)
- Ann Nowé (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
- Patrice Perny (UPMC, FR)
- Marcello Restelli (Politecnico di Milano, IT)
- Nic Wilson (University College Cork, IE)
If you have any questions about the MODeM workshop, please contact the organizers at:
modem.workshop.2023 AT gmail.com